Upgraded C-130 acquisition project

Monday , 9, April 2012 Leave a comment

Last year, Timawa.net and other fora, were eagerly awaiting the reported arrival of an additional C-130H c/o an ex-Tunisian AF Herc that had suffered a runway mishap but had been refurbished by Derco Aerospace. The Timawa discussion for this project can be found here.

The wait was apparently for nothing. As per the latest DND Performance Monitoring Report, this deal had actually been cancelled.

August 26, 2010 Pre-procurement conference Approved budget for contract (ABC): P1,769,000,000.00
August 31, 2010 Posting/Publication of ITB Publication of ITB at PDI and posting at G-EPS and DND Websites

September 10, 2010 Pre-bid conference
October 11, 2010 Bid opening Only one bidder, Derco Aerospace Inc. submitted its bid
October 11, 2010 DND BAC Resolution No. AFPMP-PAF-C130H-10-001 Resolution declaring DERCO Aerospace Inc., as the Single Calculated Bidder for the project and directing the conduct of post qualification
November 11-12 & 15-17, 2010 Post qualification Post qualification teams were sent to the following locations:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Milwaukee, USA

December 1, 2010 DND BAC Resolution No. AFPMP-PAF-C130H-10-002 Resolution declaring Derco Aerospace Inc as the SCRB for the project and the issuance of a NOA in its favor
December 8, 2010 Issuance of Notice of Award in favor of Derco Aerospace Inc Approved/signed by SND
March 17, 2011 DND BAC Resolution No. AFPMP-PAF-C-130H-11-001 Resolution declaring the bidding for the Upgraded C-130H Acquisition project of the PAF a failure after the winning bidder failed to post performance security
June 8, 2011 Declaration of failure of bidding Approved/signed by SND

