Coast Guard Island’s proximity to a public marina made shipspotting efforts for the USCGC Hamilton relatively easy. Unless the transfer of the USCGC Dallas takes place at the same venue, observation of the transfer at WHEC-176’s current home port will present challenges for PN modernization watchers.
Based on the following references, WHEC-716 is based at the Charleston Marine Support Facility.
CHARLESTON, S.C. — Pier Papa at the Coast Guard Vessel Support Facility Charleston with Coast Guard Cutters Dallas, Gallatin, and Oak, and NOAA ships Ron Brown and Nancy Foster
The Charleston Marine Support Facility is located on the former Charleston Naval Base and is located with the USCG Naval Engineering Support Unit Charleston, in Charleston, South Carolina. The facility is the home port of the NOAA Ships Ronald H. Brown and Nancy Foster.
The Charleston Marine Facility consists of an 800 square ft. warehouse, a 650 ft. Pier and associated parking. The former naval facilities are of good quality and room exists for an increased NOAA presence in Charleston. The Charleston Marine Support Facility is managed by the Marine Operations Center – Atlantic.
The Charleston Marine Support Facility address is:
Charleston Marine Support Facility
1050 Register Street
Charleston, SC 29405-2421
There is no way to know if the ship below is either the USCGC Dallas or the USCGC Gallatin, which are both stationed in South Carolina. However the Google Earth images below, dated 1989, at least identify the anchorage described above.