Dallas transfer to PH under congressional review

Sunday , 29, January 2012 Leave a comment

The United States Department of State issued a press release about the recently concluded US-PH Strategic Dialogue that included the following notation about the transfer of the USCGC Dallas to the Philippines:

Toward a Deeper Alliance: United States-Philippines Bilateral Cooperation

Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 27, 2012

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Defense and Security Cooperation

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The United States transferred the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Hamilton, now the BRP Gregorio Del Pilar, to the Philippine Navy, supporting Philippine maritime domain awareness. The transfer of a second cutter is pending U.S. Congressional review;

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All transfers of defense technology, or any other export of items with military uses, are subject to congressional oversight. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) documentation describes this control as follows:

All sales of defense articles and services are subject to similar technology release approvals, end-use monitoring and retransfer agreements, and congressional review and approval.
